Hospital Management
Does a Clinical Decision Aid Constitute the Legal Standard of Care?
Each emergency physician should undertake the appropriate medical approach to evaluating a patient, regardless of any recommended course of action. The medical record should support using the recommended path or justify another course of action.
MRI Safety Requires Good Policies, Signage, and Education
MRIs provide valuable information that can be vital to patient care, but they also are powerful machines that can injure or kill people when proper precautions are not taken. The potential liability from such accidents is significant.
CEASE Bundle Alleviates ICU Alarm Fatigue
Nurses in an ICU successfully alleviated alarm fatigue with a bundle. The CEASE bundle focuses on changing electrodes and using appropriate monitors.
Telemedicine Rule Changes Will Require Tighter Compliance
The Drug Enforcement Administration’s proposed telemedicine rules in response to the end of the Public Health Emergency could carry important implications for physicians and employers who use telemedicine to communicate with patients. In-patient visits will be required for certain controlled substances.
Sentinel Events Increased in 2022, Fall Reports Up Sharply
The Joint Commission’s latest report on sentinel events shows a 19% increase from 2021 to 2022. Falls, which were the most common sentinel event, increased almost 27%.
Reality TV Shows Still Pose Great Risks to Hospitals
Even after hospitals were fined millions of dollars for participating in reality TV shows, some healthcare facilities are allowing cameras in again. The experience comes with great risk. The Office for Civil Rights has penalized hospitals for HIPAA violations related to reality TV.
ChatGPT Provides Solid Responses to Virtual Medical Questions
Artificial intelligence tool provided empathetic, quality answers to online queries, which could help clinicians save time on electronic health record documentation work.
Healthcare Workers Not Likely Infected, Colonized with C. auris
Recent reports highlighting the continuing increase and geographic spread of Candida auris — a multidrug-resistant fungus that is moving between healthcare facilities — have raised the question of whether healthcare workers could be infected or colonized with the emerging pathogen. It is highly unlikely, but the risk is not zero.
CDC: Be Wary of Travelers From African Outbreaks
Marburg virus has caused outbreaks in two African nations, and healthcare workers should be aware of travel history for incoming patients with classic hemorrhagic fever symptoms.
The Vanishing Nurse: Staff, Patients in Peril
Around 1 million nurses may leave the field in the next few years, leaving the perennial “most trusted” profession absent at the bedside. The exodus was triggered by a pandemic, entrenched by a haphazard response, and then revealed in demographics that indicate the old are retiring and the young are leaving early.