Beyond the logistical disincentives, hassles and headaches of reporting to employee health after an injury in the operating room there is the chilling stigma of what the surgeon may find out about herself and possibly be obligated to tell future patients: "I'm HIV-positive."
Your infection prevention and control program is textbook perfect. You have verified that each little nuance of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Conditions of Participation, The Joint Commission accreditation requirements, and your state licensing rules, are covered in policy, procedure, and program(s).
After an economic wildfire that swept through health care and laid waste to entire industries in other sectors, infection preventionsts may be a little singed around the edges but they're still standing.
While it is illegal for an individual to sell his or her organs to transplant recipients in the United States and in most other countries, experts indicate the selling of organs is widespread in certain developing countries.
To many who observe the organ transplant arena, it's both a simple and yet complex reckoning of supply and demand.
Monir Moniruzzaman has seen the kind of poverty that would drive a desperate individual to sell his or her organ.
Compassion & Choices, an end-of-life rights group, says that it is "alarmed" by a newly revised Ethical and Religious Directive approved in November by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
As Medical Ethics Advisor reported in December, one of the sessions held at the annual conference in Washington, DC, of the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities in October was on the top developments in bioethics in 2009.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced in early December 2009 its final decision to cover Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection screening for Medicare beneficiaries who are at increased risk for the infection.