Education awareness events aren't just for community outreach at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. The patient education office uses the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Observance Calendar to plan events for patients and staff in-house.
The state of the economy is impacting every industry, and health care is not immune, say the patient education managers we interviewed about the results of the 2009 Patient Education Management Salary Survey.
A combination of face-to-face and telephonic case management has resulted in high patient satisfaction ratings and a significant decrease in health care utilization for patients with complex medical needs.
When occupational health professionals at Replacements, a Greensboro, NC-based supplier of old and new china, crystal, silver, and collectibles with 550 employees, did a review of their Occupational Safety and Health Administration 300 log of work-related injuries and illnesses, they found that their largest worker's compensation numbers were coming from musculoskeletal (MSD) complaints.
Imagine a diabetic worker leaving a "lunch and learn" on how to control her blood sugar who feels hunger pangs. As he or she walks past the vending machine, is that worker faced with a choice between a candy bar and a sugary pastry?
As H1N1 and flu absences crop up in the workplace, your goal is twofold. You want employees to stay out only as long as necessary to limit lost productivity, yet you must keep them out of the workplace while infectious so they don't get others sick.
By law, how far can you go in screening employees or altering leave policies during pandemic? The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), privacy and state leave laws still apply, limiting what employers can do, advises Nina Massen, JD, senior associate with the disability, leave and health management practice group of Jackson Lewis LLP in White Plains, NY.
During a meeting with an employee about a worker's compensation issue, you encourage him to take advantage of a discounted YMCA membership.
If you assume that your workforce has better than average health statistics due to programs for nutrition, fitness and smoking cessation, you may be sadly mistaken. On the other hand, you may have far fewer obese employees than the national average.
You spent all your resources and time encouraging employees to make healthy lifestyle choices. Then, he or she is offered free donuts at every meeting and candy baskets during the day.