A 22-year-old emergency department registrar working the night shift at Northern Hospital of Surry County in Mount Airy, NC, was obviously very intelligent. Equally obvious to her managers, though, was her complete disinterest in her job.
At first glance, an applicant may look at an open access position as a "get their foot in the door" opportunity. "They feel should a position become available within their educational background, that they will have 'first picks' as an internal employee...
When your most skilled, compassionate, experienced staff person tells you she's leaving, don't let the first words out of your mouth be, "That will be a disaster for you!" or "You're making a huge mistake!"
An incorrect address sounds like a very simple matter to correct, but this wrong information can lead to payment for a valid insurance claim being delayed or denied altogether. This is something that no patient access department wants.
Whether the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) ends upon admission or extends indefinitely until the admitted patient is eventually discharged or transferred has been debated by the courts, government agencies, and EMTALA pundits for years without definitive resolution.
Some EDs are now offering online updates on current wait times, with the stated expectation that patients will use this information to make better decisions on where to go for care.
Imagine being sued by a patient for an alleged act of malpractice, but evidence is introduced in the courtroom that leads the jury to believe another practitioner not yourself is the one who is truly at fault.
When Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan measured the rate of hospital admissions for patients with diabetes, chronic heart conditions, and asthma, the Detroit-based health plan found that hospitalizations for patients being cared for in a patient-centered medical home (PCMH) were 23% lower than for patients treated in other practices.