Splashes and splatters can transmit disease effectively, but many institutions don't adequately protect against this risk, says Susan Y. Parnell, RN, MSN, MPH, CIC, director of employee health clinical services at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston.
If you don't bill and code correctly, you could be leaving money on the table, in addition to being noncompliant, warns Stephanie Ellis, RN, CPC, president, Ellis Medical Consulting in Brentwood, TN. Ellis spoke at a recent coding seminar held by the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association.
Imagine the perfect respirator for health care workers: They wouldn't mind wearing it for an entire shift. They wouldn't have any trouble communicating with each other or with patients. Yet it would protect them from infectious diseases, and it wouldn't cost too much.
Compared with carcinogenic chemicals and infectious diseases, workplace bullying may seem like more of an annoyance than a health risk.
You can't just mandate a civil workplace. You have to build one.
The Joint Commission's Leadership standard (LD.03.01.01) includes two elements of performance related to intimidation and bullying:
Almost 10 years after the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act created a legal mandate for safer sharps, health care workers still are being stuck with convention devices.
Call it the perfect storm: Patients with dementia or serious chronic illness being treated in the home. Rising levels of obesity. Aging health care workers. A lack of safety equipment.
These following tips were adapted from "Suggestions for preventing musculoskeletal disorders in home health care workers," published in Home Healthcare Nurse.