Managing contracted services is required by both The Joint Commission and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and if not managed well can be a huge risk to your organization.
He believes it's the right thing to do for the patient and the right thing to do for the hospital. And with staff happier, patients happier, and length of stay and readmission rates decreasing, it seems as if it's working.
What do high-reliability organizations, lean techniques, and Six Sigma have in common? First, they're all part of the discussion of modern quality improvement and change management in health care.
Frustrated with The Joint Commission, Midland Memorial Hospital (TX) made the shift to DNV this year, says accreditation specialist Lisa Williams, PT, MS, HACP.
So how do you evaluate the quality of your contracted services? Frank Ruelas, MBA, principal of www.hipaabootcamp.com and director of compliance and risk management at Maryvale Hospital in Phoenix, has some tips.
Checklists have become a ubiquitous term for the patient safety movement, which most recognize as being born with the Institute of Medicine's 1999 report "To Err is Human."
Recognizing that ED wait times and throughput are affected by the entire hospital, the leaders at King's Daughters Medical Center in Ashland, KY, engaged all the departments that interface with the ED and slashed the rate at which ED patients leave before treatment from 5% to 0.5%.
A change in documentation procedures in the ED played a significant role in making it possible for Porter Adventist Hospital in Denver to receive certification as an advanced primary stroke center by The Joint Commission.