Hospital Management
A Sharp Rise in the ‘Constantly Fearful’ in the ED
In a particularly disturbing finding, researchers conducting a follow-up study of emergency physicians found a near sevenfold increase in those who felt “constantly fearful” at work.
ACEP Violence Poll Highlights ED Violence
The American College of Emergency Physicians recently conducted a survey about workplace violence, compiling responses from more than 3,500 members.
Failure to Report, Press Charges ‘Enabling’ ED Violence
Healthcare workers and their employers are to some extent “enabling” an epidemic of violence by not reporting attacks and pressing charges, the president of the American College of Emergency Physicians warns.
Mandated Nurse-Patient Ratios Protect Healthcare Workers
A measure that would have mandated nurse-patient staffing ratios in Massachusetts was recently voted down, leaving California as the only state with a law.
Every Violence Prevention Program Starts With Reporting and Data Collection
One barrier to preventing workplace violence is an organization’s failure to close the loop with healthcare workers by giving those employees information about what happened once they reported an incident.
Management, Workplace Culture Key Elements of Violence Prevention
There are no federal standards or regulations for workplace violence prevention; everything is advisory, but there are some key elements to prevention and actions healthcare organizations can take.
The Joint Commission Focuses on Preventing Workplace Violence
Healthcare workers, especially nurses, are at a high risk of violence, largely at the hands of patients. Research shows that healthcare workers are at greater risk from violence than almost every other worker, and the problem is on the rise. Recognizing the risk, healthcare organizations are developing and sharing resources to help mitigate workplace violence.
Medicare’s Online Procedure Price Lookup Tool Could Be Useful for Patients
ASC patients with Medicare coverage now can use a simple tool to compare total costs and what they will pay for procedures and surgeries in ASCs and hospital outpatient departments.
It Is the Little Things That Go a Long Way
These small gestures can enhance and promote great customer service and set your organization apart from others.
Prescribers Have Contributed to Opioid Epidemic but Can Help Stop It
Ohio's opioid prescribing initiative could serve as a blueprint for others looking to give doctors information about the dangers of opioid addiction, overdoses, and over-prescribing.