Hospital Management
The Captain of the Ship Doctrine
It is important to understand this little-known phrase because it can explain some quirks of surgeons and perhaps improve day-to-day dealings with them.
Tips for Effective and Efficient Scope Cleaning
Preventing infections through better facility and scope-cleaning practices takes a concerted effort on the part of surgery centers. Leaders must make this a quality improvement project, and develop and train staff to follow best practices.
How to Make Performance Evaluations Useful for Everyone
Performance evaluations should be conducted throughout the year and in a thoughtful way that increases their usefulness and helps staff improve their work skills.
AORN Offers Safe Patient Handling Guidance
Perioperative nurses often sustain musculoskeletal injuries from lifting and moving patients. This is a problem that poses even more risks in a society with an obesity epidemic.
Risk Management Techniques Can Help With Monitoring
Risk management should encompass a broad process of reporting adverse events and incidents, monitoring compliance and safety, and initiating quality improvement projects and activities.
Surgery Centers Could Play Lead Role in Healthcare Transparency
Healthcare transparency is gaining public support, but still faces multiple obstacles to becoming a broad reality across the industry. Some surgery centers are leading the way in making costs and outcomes transparent through their websites.
Ethical Issues and Standards in Case Management, Part 2
In October, we began our discussion on ethical issues of relevance to case management professionals. The principles should provide case managers with a framework when dealing with the tensions between providing quality healthcare and containing costs. However, it is doubtful that the tension can be overcome completely. Even when payers or health insurance plans make legitimate decisions, healthcare professionals may sometimes find that they cannot support these decisions in good conscience. How you respond to these dilemmas is significant in terms of maintaining ethical integrity.
Report Shows Potential Value of PCMH Model
Hospital leaders can make the business case for patient-centered medical homes (PCMH) by using recent research from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) in Washington, DC. NCQA reports that PCMH can increase annual revenue — and perhaps a great deal, depending on the payment model. Improvement measures are dependent on a practice’s patient population.
Medicare Now Covers Nonskilled Home Care
Typically, when discharge planning involves the need for home care assistance, case managers rely on the patient’s family and friends to assist with activities of daily living. In many families, this can work just fine. But where there are odd family dynamics or if a family member is not equipped to be a caregiver, there is a need for outside help.
Tips for Case Managers With Transgender Patients
These tips will help case managers understand transgender patients' healthcare needs and ensure they are treated with respect.