Hospital Management
HHS Distributing $175 Billion in CARES Act Provider Relief Fund
The Department of Health and Human Services is distributing $175 billion to hospitals and healthcare providers to compensate for their coronavirus response. Through the Provider Relief Funds, $50 billion is allocated proportional to providers’ share of 2018 net patient revenue.
Compliance Oversight Necessary with COVID-19 Relief Funds
Funds provided to hospitals through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act require careful compliance efforts to avoid substantial liability. The money comes with many strings attached.
Some Hospitalized Patients Admitted to ICU, Contrary to Stated Wishes
Research has demonstrated that completed Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) forms can help people with chronic illness avoid unwanted hospitalizations and CPR. However, there is more to learn about what happens when patients with POLST forms are admitted to the hospital near the end of life.
Some Attorneys Vow Not to Sue Over COVID-19 Care
Risk managers are bracing for what some fear will be a wave of malpractice claims related to COVID-19 care. However, some attorneys say they will not take these cases, arguing the treatment standard is unclear, and substandard care claims cannot be substantiated.
Survey: Nurses Say They Lack Direct Role in Informed Consent
Researchers interviewed 20 registered nurses from various clinical settings at a large academic medical center. All but one agreed patient safety is directly linked to how well patients understand informed consent.
Patients Want to Know if Treatment Is No Better than Placebo
Many patients may be surprised to find out the treatment they are taking is not any better than a placebo. Clinicians may think this is no big deal, as long as the person is feeling better and is grateful.
Preoperative Assessments Can Be Weak Point, Increase Liability Risks
Preoperative assessments are critical to patient safety and reducing liability risks. Some assessments are inadequate and fail to identify risks that could be avoided.
Burnout Prevention Is Central Ethical Concern for Hospitals
Hospitals are facing an immediate ethical challenge to restore the mental health and wellness of clinical staff. This varies greatly from hospital to hospital. Some have done a lot of work around this area, while others have not focused on it as much. Above all, hospitals need to maintain clear lines of communication with staff about the situation.
Ethical Principles Apply to Furloughs and Layoffs
Many hospitals are making tough financial decisions on staffing. Ethical considerations may be overlooked in the process.
Public Health Nurses Share Views on Vaccine Education
Debates on how to best respond to outbreaks of vaccine-preventable infections continue. Opinions about mandating vaccines, including if, how, and when, vary widely.