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Hospital Management



  • Injury Claims, Accident Inquiries: ‘Freeze the Facts’

    Occasionally, occupational health professionals can be involved in a legal case when there is some dispute over an employee’s injury, workers’ compensation, or a monetary settlement. From a legal perspective, “freezing the facts” as soon as possible will pay off as the case moves forward.

  • Occupational Health: Outbreak Investigation 101

    In an outbreak situation that affects healthcare workers and patients, occupational health can strike a critical partnership with the infection control department to rapidly resolve the situation.

  • Current Healthcare Workers Might Face Another Pandemic

    As evidence mounts indicating that climate change is driving emerging infections, healthcare workers may face another pandemic in their lifetime — possibly in their current careers.

  • ICU Staff Report Severe Moral Distress, But Resources Are Underused

    There is growing awareness of the prevalence of moral distress in healthcare — and the costs in terms of burnout and staff turnover. However, solutions to this problem remain somewhat elusive.

  • The Trouble with ‘Grateful Patient’ Fundraising

    Although philanthropic donations are important, physicians pushing patients and families to chip in is ethically problematic.

  • Ensuring Compliance in Case Management Is Critical

    Many compliance issues in the CMS Conditions of Participation for utilization review and discharge planning need attention. Ensuring compliance is critical for improving patient care, preventing financial penalties or sanctions, and avoiding trouble with governmental authorities by identifying and correcting compliance issues early.

  • Consider the Burden for Those Caring for Older Trauma Patients

    Family caregivers of older people who have experienced a serious fall or another traumatic event sometimes are unprepared for the role. The authors of a recent study found close to one-third of family caregivers of older trauma patients experience high caregiver burden up to three months after the patient’s discharge.

  • Pandemic-Era Care Transitions Led to ED Overcrowding

    Researchers found that adult patients who visited EDs in a North Carolina health system between March 1, 2020, and March 1, 2022, faced significantly longer stays if they were transitioned from the ED directly to a skilled nursing facility (SNF) instead of transitioning to a hospital bed and then to a SNF.

  • Targeted Case Management Helps Patients Experiencing Homelessness

    The lack of affordable housing is a crisis affecting Americans in all age groups, in every city, in every state. Nearly half of Americans say finding affordable housing in their community is a major problem, according to Pew Research. A case management model in Philadelphia helps a local homeless population by connecting people with the healthcare they need as well as finding them stable housing.

  • Post-Acute Sepsis Care Needs Case Management-Style Help

    Case managers are well-positioned to help prevent rehospitalization of sepsis survivors by ensuring a smooth transition to post-acute care services. They can provide follow-up to ensure patients are receiving the home health services, therapies, and primary care visits they need.