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Hospital Management



  • Privileged accounts can be gateway to breaches

    If you examine the rash of recent data breaches, many follow the same distinct pattern, says Adam Bosnian, executive vice president of Cyber-Ark Software in Newton, MA. An attacker obtained access to an administrative or privileged account and then used that powerful entry point to take what they wanted.
  • Theft of records or media most common form of breach

    Stealing paper records or electronic media was the most common type of data breach in healthcare in 2010, according to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) "Annual Report to Congress on Breaches of Unsecured Protected Health Information." Losing the records or media was the second most common incident.
  • Hospitals seek 90% reduction in specimen errors in 90 days

    Can hospitals see a 90% reduction in mislabeled specimens within 90 days? Some hospitals in South Carolina have, and others are about to find out by trying a new toolkit to prevent mislabeled blood specimens used by a hospital that did experience that huge improvement.
  • Encryption, laptop control are vital to security

    Encryption would sharply reduce the risk of damage from any loss of data, and widespread use could discourage thieves from trying to access healthcare information, says Brad Rostolsky, JD, an associate with the law firm of Reed Smith in Philadelphia who has worked with healthcare providers to ensure data security. Rostolsky acknowledges that encryption can be costly for a large organization.
  • 2 HIPAA breaches show continuing weaknesses

    Continuing reports of security breaches resulting in the loss of sensitive patient data show the weaknesses of some healthcare organizations, and some experts say criminals are targeting healthcare for cyber attacks.
  • Hospital: Patient treated properly in ED

    An autopsy determined that Anna Brown's death in a jail cell in September 2012 was caused by blood clots that formed in her legs and migrated to her lungs, according to authorities in St. Louis, MO. Police say Brown went to three hospitals complaining of leg pain in the days leading up to her death, including her visit to St. Mary's Health Center that led to her arrest for trespassing.
  • No need to check applicants' social media

    Some employers are taking advantage of people's tendency to post explicit and sometimes disparaging information about themselves on Facebook and other media by demanding access to those sites before hiring. After incidents in which patient information was posted on Facebook, some healthcare providers might consider monitoring employee sites on an ongoing basis.
  • PCSBI makes these 12 recommendations

    The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues (PCSBI) has made these 12 recommendations for how to better develop public trust and protect privacy in the era of whole genome sequencing in research:
  • Tips for handling study complaints

    Research institutions should make their complaint process as accessible as possible to researchers, participants, and others, an expert says.
  • Speaker: Greater diversity needed in clinical trials

    More subject diversity is needed in clinical trials to reduce the risk of adverse outcomes, according to the keynote speaker at the Clinical Trials in Georgia conference.