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Hospital Management



  • Missed Sepsis: ED Nurses Are

    The ED nurse is the "first line of defense" against a malpractice lawsuit alleging missed or delayed diagnosis of sepsis, according to Paula Mayer, RN, LNC, a partner at Mayer Legal Nurse Consulting in Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • Ensure Patients Are Placed Back on Monitor

    Even if continuous cardiac monitoring is ordered, ED patients may be taken off the monitor for transport or to go to the restroom and kept off the monitor due to oversight, warns Andrew Garlisi, MD, MPH, MBA, VAQSF, medical director for Geauga County EMS in Chardon, OH.
  • Background checks useful, but limited

    About 73% of employers conduct criminal background checks on all job candidates, according to a 2010 survey by the Society for Human Resource Management, and another 19% of employers do so only for selected job candidates. They can be particularly important in healthcare when a job applicant must be trusted with vulnerable patients and data, but experts caution that background checks have limitations.
  • Hospitals band to reform med mal, cut litigation

    Seven hospitals in Massachusetts have begun a major initiative to improve the medical liability system in the state. The new alliance has launched its effort with the release of a Roadmap to Reform, an alternative approach to medical liability intended to improve patient safety, increase transparency, reduce litigation, and cut costs to the health care system.
  • Failure to admit diabetic patient leads to brain damage, $21.4M verdict

    News: A 50-year-old diabetic man was transported to the emergency department (ED) twice in 48 hours after being found unresponsive by family. Each time, he was diagnosed with hypoglycemia, stabilized in the ED, and discharged home. He developed severe hypoglycemia 10 hours after his second hospital discharge, and he suffered brain damage as a result.
  • Security improving, but data still vulnerable

    Healthcare providers are addressing data security better than in past years, but the challenge also is growing as electronic health records (EHRs) and mobile devices become more common, according to the "2012 HIMSS Analytics Report: Security of Patient Data."
  • Enforcement guidance targets background checks

    Healthcare providers using criminal background checks should take notice of enforcement guidance on employer use of arrest and conviction records in employment decisions. Previous arrests and convictions might not be relevant to the current job application, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) says in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, issued in April 2012 by the EEOC.
  • Death after leaving ED leads to outcry, but was the hospital in the wrong?

    A hospital in Missouri is under fire for having a homeless woman ejected from the emergency department (ED) when she refused to leave; the woman died soon after in police custody from a blood clot. Critics allege the hospital is liable, but others say this might be a case in which the hospital met the standard of care and is not responsible.
  • Healthcare Risk Management - Full June 2012 Issue in PDF

  • Hypoxic brain injury in birth yields $144M verdict for teen

    News: A woman presented to the hospital for induction of labor on Dec. 1, 1995, and she vaginally delivered a 10-pound, 12-ounce baby girl. The baby was not breathing at the time of birth and had poor tone, seizures, brain hemorrhages, and a fractured left clavicle. She was hospitalized in the intensive care unit for three weeks, and she was diagnosed with profound retardation and cerebral palsy.