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Hospital Management



  • "Difficult trade-off" with research regs

    The goal of proposed reforms in regulations governing human research subjects is to enhance protections for research subjects while reducing burden, delay, and ambiguity for investigators, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Science Policy, which received more than 1,000 public comments on the proposed changes.
  • ACA ruling is ethical landmark: Health care is

    The most important ethical implication of the Supreme Court's ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act is "the recognized national responsibility to provide medical care for all citizens," according to Neil S. Wenger, MD, MPH, director of the University of California--Los Angeles (UCLA) Health System Ethics Center and professor at UCLA's Division of General Internal Medicine.
  • Improving emergency department wait times

    If you have patients waiting for long periods of time in your emergency department, you better start thinking about ways to cut those times.
  • Hospital Peer Review April 2012 Issue in PDF

  • Letting it all hang out does not seem to matter

    It has been seven years since Medicare started requiring hospitals to publicly report their performance for core measures related to heart attack, heart failure and pneumonia. Ask the hospitals participating in Hospital Compare whether this has affected their quality improvement and patient safety efforts and the vast majority will answer in the affirmative.
  • Why do it if you can't measure it?

    With all the talk about needing more outcomes measures rather than process measures, there are some well-loved projects that could get left out in the cold, simply because it is hard to prove they have a direct impact on improved outcomes.
  • Hospital Report blog

  • Time to put the gloves on: C. diff patient deaths hit a historic high

    Dramatic progress in reducing several major health care associated infections (HAIs) in recent years has been offset by the unrelenting rise of Clostridium difficile, the spore-forming pathogen that can cling steadfast to hands even after washing with soap and water.
  • Are your people too afraid to report errors?

    Perhaps the saddest thing about the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture: 2012 User Comparative Database Report, released in February by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is not that so many people believe the culture in their hospitals is an impediment to error reporting, but that so many people who work in the patient safety arena are not surprised at the high number of people responding that way.
  • Integrating medical, mental CM saves money

    In the past, if a member of Capital District Physicians' Health Plan (CDPHP) in Albany, NY, was hospitalized for a suicide attempt and ended up in the intensive care unit, or was hospitalized with a medical problem and diagnosed with a behavioral health issue as well, the medical case manager would give him or her a referral to a toll-free number for an out-of-state vendor that provided behavioral health management for the health plan.