Hospital Management
Understanding Emergency Use Authorization Issues with COVID-19 Vaccine
Current COVID-19 vaccines have not undergone the process for full FDA approval, but have been authorized under a streamlined process known as an emergency use authorization. Because of this, the vaccines are technically considered experimental and are subject to regulations that may affect whether employers are permitted to mandate their use by employees.
EEOC Says Employers Can Mandate Vaccines — with Exceptions
Under certain circumstances, employers are permitted to mandate their employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of their employment. That position was outlined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in guidance published in December 2020. However, this guidance is not without its limits.
HIPAA Issues Can Arise with COVID-19 Vaccinations
HIPAA can become an issue if healthcare employers require proof that employees have received a COVID-19 vaccine. Under HIPAA, immunization records are protected health information.
Vaccine Rollout Brings Legal, Labor Concerns for Employers
As the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines continues, healthcare employers face complicated questions about what they can require of employees, how to handle employees who refuse the vaccine, and other potential legal consequences that may result in the coming months.
HHS Eases Standards Regarding Opioid Addiction Care
Regulatory changes make it easier for more physicians to prescribe medication-assisted treatment.
Quality of Life Important to ICU Patients, But Clinicians Lack Data
This underscores how clinicians must start keeping track of these outcomes to improve their ability to predict them and provide patients and families with information they want.
Video Facilitates Informed Consent for ICU Procedures
Audiovisual modules may improve knowledge and comprehension of ICU procedures, according to the results of a study of critically ill surgical patients and their legally authorized representatives.
Community-Led Research Bolstered by Access to Big Data
The next step is to determine the logistics of how to empower communities with the tools they need to ask and answer their own research questions.
Evolving Ethics of ‘Right to Try’ Unproven Drugs
Ethical concerns persist regarding seriously ill patients who want the chance to try unproven, unapproved drugs.
Ethical Concerns if Clinical Trial Results Go Unreported
Study participants believe investigators are conducting their research to promote the public good and scientific advancement. But leaving trial data unpublished creates its own kind of bias, possibly harming the public.