Hospital Management Topics
OR Teams Often Exposed to Toxic Chemicals in Surgical Smoke
Executive nurse leaders can collaborate with states and professional organizations to advocate for smoke evacuation legislation, and they can create policies at their facilities to mitigate surgical smoke.
Try Bolstering Patient Care Through Shared Decision-Making
When surgeons begin shared decision-making with patients, it can be an eye-opening experience that improves patient-surgeon trust and communication.
Revising Policies Should Be a Priority, Even as COVID-19 Pandemic Continues
Creating new policies or revising existing procedures should be a priority to meet the challenges of managing the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and administering the vaccine. Follow these six steps to make the process easier.
A Guide to Improving Surgery Center Billing Practices
Surgery centers could improve their financial bottom line by focusing on following best practices in revenue cycle management.
Biden Administration Takes First Steps Against COVID-19
The new president signed a series of executive actions to accelerate nation’s pandemic response.
HHS Eases Standards Regarding Opioid Addiction Care
Regulatory changes make it easier for more physicians to prescribe medication-assisted treatment.
Quality of Life Important to ICU Patients, But Clinicians Lack Data
This underscores how clinicians must start keeping track of these outcomes to improve their ability to predict them and provide patients and families with information they want.
Video Facilitates Informed Consent for ICU Procedures
Audiovisual modules may improve knowledge and comprehension of ICU procedures, according to the results of a study of critically ill surgical patients and their legally authorized representatives.
Community-Led Research Bolstered by Access to Big Data
The next step is to determine the logistics of how to empower communities with the tools they need to ask and answer their own research questions.
Evolving Ethics of ‘Right to Try’ Unproven Drugs
Ethical concerns persist regarding seriously ill patients who want the chance to try unproven, unapproved drugs.