Infection preventionists should continue to make patients their medical and moral compass amid a tightening regulatory environment that includes reimbursement reductions.
The Joint Commission has strongly endorsed recently issued compendium infection prevention guidelines, announcing that the condensed, actionable recommendations may become required as accreditation standards by 2010.
Concerns regarding patient safety have produced numerous pieces of new legislation focused on infection control surveillance and reporting of antibiotic-resistant organisms in healthcare facilities nationwide.
Sometimes you have to work fast to keep up with a new infection preventionist in career transition.
As infection prevention enters a new era of transparency, regulatory activity, and consumer activism, unprecedented demands are being placed on a profession that long labored in relative obscurity.
Success has raised the bar. No sooner did infection preventionists (IPs) begin demonstrating that it was actually possible to drive certain infection rates down to a vanishing point when federal payers essentially said, "Good, keep them at zero because we are not paying for them."
In a finding that will increase national calls for oversight of ambulatory care settings, seven patients reportedly acquired hepatitis C infection while undergoing stress tests at a cardiology practice in Larinburgh, NC.
Proposed state laws in Nevada in the wake of a highly-publicized hepatitis C outbreak in Las Vegas include proposals to hire infection preventionists (IPs) as consultants to oversee practice in freestanding clinics.
Joint Commission Resources (JCR) has launched a "Flu Vaccination Challenge" this season targeting health care workers, but organizers only underscored the current woeful situation in setting the immunization goal.
If infection preventionists can work their way out of the current wilderness of change, there is some feeling they may be poised for a leadership role in a health care system becoming painfully aware of the power of prevention.