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Hospital Employee Health



  • Zero lift means zero injuries for Ohio nursing home

    When Joe Jolliff, administrator of the Wyandot County Nursing Home in Upper Sandusky, OH, first brought in a sit-to-stand lift, nursing assistants didnt even want to try it. Today, nursing assistants tell Jolliff they cant imagine going back to life without it.
  • CDC clarifies SARS infection control

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta issued the following guidance for infection control measures when caring for a patient with a suspected case of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
  • Hospitals move to protect health workers from SARS

    Faced with the alarming worldwide spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which has affected more than 1,500 people in 13 countries, public health authorities alerted hospitals to safeguard health care workers, visitors, and other contacts. As of March 15, more than 90% of the cases had occurred in health care workers caring for SARS patients.
  • Smallpox vaccinee deaths raise concerns about heart link

    Two deaths and six other heart-related problems among civilian smallpox vaccinees added to uncertainty as hospitals added more restrictions to the already lackluster vaccination program. One military vaccinee also died of cardiac arrest five days after vaccination.
  • OSHA warning letters double for hospitals

    More hospitals than ever have received warning letters from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) because they have lost-time injury and illness rates that are twice the national average for all industry.
  • Questions to Ask About Ergo Equipment

    How can you select the equipment that will be right for your hospital? Feedback from employees and from other facilities that have used the equipment will provide valuable information. But the Occupational Safety and Health Administration also suggests some questions to ask the vendor.
  • Ergo guidelines called too weak to halt injuries 

    With guidelines that are much weaker than the rule it once proposed, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommended that manual lifting of [nursing home] residents be minimized in all cases and eliminated when feasible.
  • Adverse Events

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that these adverse events after smallpox vaccination be reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Systems and to state health departments.
  • So far, so good: As vaccinations begin, few serious smallpox reactions emerge

    Screening adds safety to smallpox vaccination. Despite widespread fears about the smallpox vaccine, there were few serious adverse reactions and no known spread to contacts in the first month of the vaccination program.
  • Directed Self-Decontamination

    You have been or possibly been exposed to a hazardous substance. For your own health and safety as well as others, you must be thoroughly cleaned before we can safely treat you.