every meeting of the Toccare Lo Spirito ("To Touch the Spirit") committee ... time is set aside for a "Toccare moment" - or two ...
">"Tagging," or naming, a project is often credited with creating a sense of ownership and empowerment for those involved.
A new access career ladder is in the works at Borgess Medical Center in Kalamazoo, MI,...
A standard specification for an electronic "continuity of care record" (CCR), a core set of patient data that can follow patients as they receive care at different clinics, hospitals, and physician offices, has been released ...
When Mt. Graham Regional Medical Center conducted a successful customer service course - encompassing not only its own staff but community members and health care workers ...
... 67% of Americans still are concerned about the privacy of their personal health information and are largely unaware of their rights.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) says a state Medicaid agency and Medicare Advantage plan may share protected health information to identify dually eligible enrollees.
The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) West Coast Office has told the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) it is concerned about an issue in direct-to-consumer (DTC) medical marketing ...
Improvements in communication and placement strategies gained by moving bed management oversight from the admitting department to nursing are facilitating patient throughput ...
The 10-bed holding unit was initiated at the end of 2003, Morris explains, to improve ED throughput by accommodating patients still being screened for various conditions,...