While 80% of hospitals frequently treat patients with limited English proficiency (LEP), only 3% receive reimbursement for providing translation and interpretation services.
At Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem, NC, patient flow representatives begin working to positively impact a patient's experience the moment he or she enters the emergency department (ED), says Kirsten Royster, MPA, director of patient access.
In the precarious world of checking information for patients who have been to their facility before, hospitals often juggle two important considerations: data integrity and customer relations.
To enhance patients' satisfaction levels -- not to mention their ability to rest and heal -- Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx, NY, has gone "back to the basics," says Elodia Mercier, RNC, MS, ANM, administrative nurse manager.
U.S. hospitals provided $28.8 billion in uncompensated care in 2005, up from $26.9 billion in 2004.
There is no shortage of ideas when members of the Mt. Graham Regional Medical Center's Toccare Lo Spirito committee start brainstorming, ...
Hospitals and other health care providers could benefit greatly from incorporating the concepts and strategies prevalent in other industries, ...
Use of an automated point-of-care wristband bar code system for patient identification at Houston Healthcare in Warner Robins, GA, has reduced information systems errors ...
The nation got an overall grade of C minus in a recent report by the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) assessing support for emergency care and prevention in each state.
When some of the leaders at Mt. Graham Regional Medical Center in Safford, AZ, got together in 2001 to talk about fostering a more caring, holistic environment for patients, visitors, and employees, it took a while to get a firm grasp ...