Hospital Access Management
Payers Want Evidence That Patient Already Tried First-line Therapy
Increasingly, payers require patients to try and fail “first-line” treatments before payers approve more costly treatments. Include supporting articles from the literature supporting off-label use, and ask physicians to supply statements on why the first-line therapy is not appropriate.
Nyack Financial Navigators Answer Frequently Asked Questions
Financial navigators at Nyack (NY) Hospital have committed to respond to questions from patients immediately, if possible, or within 24 hours.
Was Coverage Lost Due to Illness? Patient Access Can Help
A financial navigation program for hematology and oncology patients ensures ongoing coverage, even if patients become unemployed due to their medical condition.
Simple Fix if Legal Name Differs From the One Patient Gives to Registrar
Patient complaints and claims denials stemmed from discrepancies between their preferred and legal names at Ochsner Health System. To address this, a separate field was created for the patient’s preferred name, staff and clinicians know how patients want to be addressed, and the correct name goes on the claim without disturbing the integrity of the medical record.
Striving for Perfect Registration Accuracy Sends Strong Message
At Greater Baltimore (MD) Medical Center, patient access leaders confidently report that their department operates at a “99% or better” accuracy rate.
Action Plans Lead to Productivity Increase
Internal benchmarking data allow one patient access department to improve continuously, assisting staff in creating action plans with the greatest impact on outcomes.
Patient Access Saves $3 Million Targeting Front-end Data Benchmarks
Patient access has always lacked benchmarking data and key performance indicators focused on the front end of the revenue cycle, but this is changing. Departments are using registration metrics to set productivity expectations, identifying how many full-time employees are needed in registration areas, and determining the hourly cost of a registration.
Patients Present as Self-Pay, but Leave With Coverage
Patient access departments are helping self-pay patients in multiple ways.
Handle Early-morning Volume Surges at Surgical Registration
Cross-training in patient access at Albany Medical Center prevents early-morning delays at surgical check-in, helps with sudden volume surges in the ED, and provides other benefits.
ED Registrars Work to Change Perceptions
ED registrars face competing priorities. First and foremost, they have to be certain they aren’t violating Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act requirements.