Hospital Access Management
Will Robots Take Over? They May Free Registrars From Tiresome Tasks
Patient access staff spend countless hours on the phone with payer reps, trying to determine if a particular procedure requires authorization. Still more hours are spent going between systems, figuring out why a patient’s insurance claim was denied. What if a robot handled these tasks instead?
Registrars Need Solid Answers to Questions About Expensive Bills
Staff play the role of educator, advisor, collector, and a sympathetic ear.
Get It Right the First Time: Wrong CPT Code Means Denied Claim
Receiving payment for patient services rendered has everything to do with the entering the right Current Procedural Terminology codes. For patient access, it all starts with collecting accurate information from the beginning.
Tales of Good News: Patients Arrive as Self-Pay, Leave With Coverage
Establishing access to Medicaid or re-starting coverage that has lapsed is a lifeline for many sick patients.
Once It Arrives, Quick Action on Registration Feedback Is Critical
Wait times probably are the most common complaint about registration. The issue seems simple at first — somebody waited longer than he or she wanted to. However, there often is more to it.
Patients Seek In-Network Care, But Balance Billing Persists
Patient access staff have nothing whatsoever to do with bills patients receive from providers who turn out to be out of network. Still, staff need to respond effectively when it happens.
Niceness Counts: How Registrars De-Escalate Irate Patient Episodes
Registrars cannot always change what is upsetting someone. However, many have found that simply being nice is all that is needed.
When Handled by Right Registrar, Tough Patient Encounters Can End Well
Remaining sensitive to a patient’s circumstances often diffuses a difficult situation.
Social Engineering Scams, Attacks Can Threaten HIPAA Security
Despite years of educating healthcare staff about the need for data security and the myriad ways people can worm their way into an otherwise secure system, employees still can fall prey to social engineering scams and allow HIPAA data breaches.
Checklist Items for Selecting a Compliant Vendor
There is no quick and easy way to select a vendor to trust with HIPAA-sensitive data. It requires some legwork to determine what kind of security they have in place and possibly identify any shortcomings.