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Hospital Access Management



  • HIPAA Regulatory Alert: 5 ways to comply with HIPAA oral privacy regs

    When an orthopedic resident was paged repeatedly to assess a patient with an open fracture of the forearm, he failed to respond. The resident was paged multiple times and took more than an hour to get to the emergency department (ED).
  • Teamwork and Excel expertise lead to fewer ‘on-hold’ accounts

    Philadelphias Presbyterian Medical Center, part of the University of Pennsylvania Health System, is dramatically reducing the number of accounts on hold in its DNFB and OPEX queues and freeing up the revenue they represent with multidisciplinary teamwork and the development of review and monitoring reports on Excel spreadsheets.
  • Quick hits and long-term solutions for collections

    Health care organizations aware of their need for systemic change but short on the capital required increasingly are taking a two-pronged approach: Make some quick revenue-producing hits first, and then implement the longer-term solutions. Thats just one of the strategies in place at Parkland Health and Hospital System in Dallas.
  • AMs report few problems with new privacy notice

    Implementation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act privacy rule appears to be going surprisingly well, thanks to extensive planning and a public already used to being informed about privacy practices. Thats the consensus of a sampling of access managers who spoke with Hospital Access Management about their hospitals experience with the regulation.
  • JCAHO standard to address crowded EDs

    Access managers with responsibility for emergency department registration will want to be aware of the proposed new ED overcrowding standard from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations that could become effective in early 2004.
  • EMTALA Q&A: How much is too much talk about wait time?

    This column runs occasionally in Hospital Access Management and addresses questions regarding the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act.
  • News briefs

    OIGs EMTALA fines continue downward trend; HFMA issues status report on billing project; JCAHO hospital standards reduced to 225 from 508; Survey: Providers ready for October HIPAA deadline; Prompt-pay legislation signed by Texas governor; Hospitals doing good job, say majority of Americans
  • ‘Seamless’ new call center improves facility’s customer service and billing

    Providence Health System in Portland, OR, has improved customer service and gained staff efficiency by creating a call center that allows patients to handle physician and hospital billing questions with one telephone call.
  • LOS reduced as system hones case management

    Its been more than a decade since Lehigh Valley Hospital and Health Network in Allentown, PA, took its discharge planning and utilization management functions and created a resource utilization department with a single director, says Susan Lawrence, MS, CPHQ, administrator of quality and case management.
  • HIPAA security rule now in its final form

    Final security standards under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for protecting patient health information when it is maintained or transmitted electronically have been adopted by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).