A recent Institute of Medicine (IOM) report recommends that Medicare gradually replace its current fee-for-service payment system with a new pay-for-performance system for its 42 million beneficiaries.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has expanded coverage for preventive services such as diabetes screening. Beginning Jan. 1, 2007, CMS is increasing payments for services that affect people with diabetes.
New Orleans-area hospices continue to struggle more than a year after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated the Gulf Coast area.
California has always been a state with high managed care penetration, but home health agencies throughout the country are seeing the need to understand how to negotiate managed care contracts as managed care organizations become more predominant.
The initial meeting with families and patients can lay the groundwork for an end-of-life experience that is rewarding to all involved, or it can build obstacles to a hospice referral and obstruct true understanding between the family, physician, and hospice staff.
When staff at the Hospice of Chattanooga in Tennessee, provide wound care, they work to help the patient recover a sense of wholeness.
Although contract negotiations differ from agency to agency and from one managed care organization to another, there are some very common "gotchas" for which agency managers need to look.
Historically, courts generally have concluded that providers are liable for the actions of their employees but not for the actions of independent contractors.
The right of competent, informed patients to reject lifesaving therapies has been affirmed by courts at every level, but a group of ethicists at the University of Pennsylvania wondered whether the line is as clear when it comes to supplemental oxygen.