Home Health & Hospice Care
Special Feature: Analgesic Considerations in the Critically Ill and Injured Patient
Can your agency survive a 15% cut in Medicare home health payments?
Rural agency cost-saving tips apply to everyone
Choose products based on cost and effectiveness
LegalEase: Home care services and disaster planning
Study identifies traits of successful agencies
Gotta go: Are patients running to the bathroom?
4 types of incontinence need different treatments
Concerns allayed for hospice patients given opioids
Opioid use for patients with advanced illness has been the focus of controversy and misconceptions, even among health care practitioners, an expert notes. -
Coding expert must be a master at solving puzzles
Designating a staff member as the "coding expert" for your agency is one way to ensure accurate reimbursement; but the person does not have to be a certified coder to help your agency understand the myriad codes and guidelines.