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  • HPV vaccine may prevent anal cancer

    GARDASIL (Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent [Types 6, 11, 16, 18) Vaccine, Recombinant) previously received FDA approval for prevention of cervical, vulvar, and vaginal cancer and associated precancerous lesions and for prevention of genital warts in males and females 9-26 years of age.
  • Q&A interview: Ugandan ART study foreshadowed HPTN 052

    [Editor's note: The recent HPTN 052 study that showed such dramatic success from antiretroviral therapy (ART) being given early to help prevent HIV transmission among HIV discordant couples followed on the footsteps of early research that suggested such a trend. One such study was conducted in Uganda between 2003 and 2007. It followed ART-naïve, HIV-infected adults in an AIDS program that provided many standard prevention interventions, including annual counseling and testing for cohabiting partners, risk reduction plans, condom distribution, and prevention support. The HIV-infected partners were started on ART. The study found that despite a reported increase in sexual activity that was 41% at 36 months, consistent condom use was high with discordant partners, and estimated HIV transmission risk was reduced 91%. AIDS Alert asked two investigators with the Ugandan study to discuss their research findings, particularly in light of the recent announcement that HPTN 052 was halted early so all study participants could be offered early ART. Rebecca Bunnell, ScD, MED, associate director for public health practice at the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, GA, and Jonathan Mermin, MD, MPH, director of the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the CDC, answered a few questions about their study and its implications in this email question-and-answer (Q&A) exchange.]
  • ART effective for HIV prevention in couples

    The search for an HIV vaccine will continue, but in the meantime, there is little doubt that an aggressive HIV screening and early treatment strategy could make a big impact on reducing HIV transmission.
  • Abstract & Commentary: Treatment of HHV-8 disease with Antivirals

    Uldrick et al performed a pilot study in which 14 HIV-infected patients with symptomatic MCD received high-dose AZT (600 mg PO Q6 hours) and VGC (900 mg PO Q12 hours). Eighty-six percent of patients attained major clinical responses (defined as resolution of symptoms and at least partial resolution of lymphandenopathy).
  • HIV resurges where it started three decades ago: MSM

    Thirty years into an epidemic that began with cryptic reports of a new disease among gay American men, there is this discouraging finding: AIDs Studies and reports worldwide point to a resurgent HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men (MSM).
  • State lawmakers target infection control in LTC

    The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) is tracking a growing body of proposed state legislation related to infection prevention in long term care. A selection of state bills proposed this year include the following:
  • Vermont's infection prevention network unites long term care, hospitals against MDROs

    As infection control and prevention in long term care settings becomes a national priority, a little state may provide some key answers to a big problem: the spread of multidrug resistant organisms (MDROs) across the healthcare continuum.
  • ip Newbe: The new kid at the cool lunch table

    Stacey Taylor RN,BSN, entered her job as a rookie infection preventionist with much more optimism than experience, ready to take on a new role she saw as both interesting and important.
  • iP Newbe: Discharged ED patient tests positive: Your move

    There are obvious challenges that run through the training of an Infection Preventionist (IP) and fortunately many have answers with solid references.
  • APIC joins calls for powdered glove ban

    Though conceding that powdered latex gloves pose little risk of causing patient infections, the nation's largest infection prevention group is joining the chorus of those urging the Food and Drug Administration to ban the gloves in favor of safer alternatives.