TB rates among pre-school aged children in the United States are 32 times higher in foreign-born children and six times higher in U.S.-born children with at least one foreign-born parent, compared to U.S.-born children with U.S.-born parents.
Autologous CD4+ T-cells modified to delete CCR5 by Zinc-finger nuclease (ZFN) were infused into 12 HIV-infected patients. Cells survived in the circulation of patients and provided some control of viral replication and immune reconstitution after interruption of antiretroviral therapy.
Not a week goes by where I do not see at least one or two newly diagnosed cases of syphilis and not just in my HIV+ MSM patients. Syphilis is beginning to appear in young heterosexuals as well.
A national survey of parents found that information from the CDC about vaccines and adverse facts may not be effective in correcting parental misperceptions. Some attempts to heighten parental awareness about vaccine-preventable diseases and vaccine safety may actually be counterproductive.
Posaconazole oral suspension (Noxafil® oral suspension, Merck) has been, for several years, indicated for treatment of orophayngeal candidiasis as well as for prophylaxis of invasive Aspergillus and Candida infections in patients at risk. Posaconazole delayed-release tablets (Noxafil® delayed-release tablets, Merck) were recently FDA-approved for prophylaxis of invasive Aspergillus and Candida infections in immunocompromised patients 13 years of age and older.
Most children presenting for care related to fever at two Tanzanian outpatient clinics had acute respiratory infections. Malaria accounted for "only" 11% of diagnoses and typhoid fever for 4%.
Pick your poison: Hypervirulent KPC, untreatable E. coli in the community
For years scarce data on health care associated infections in long term care has been extrapolated from small studies and published reports, but a new era of infection prevention is opening that may eventually produce the kind of benchmarking and national comparative HAI rates used in hospitals.