Bird Flu On the Move?
Dengue in the U.S.
In a Boston-based survey of travelers, 19% of individuals who were born in, had lived in, or traveled to dengue-endemic countries showed serologic evidence of previous dengue infection. -
Infectious Disease Alert Updates
Clinical Experience in Critically Ill Patients with MERS-CoV
Global Health: Infections Still Matter
At the dawn of this century, world leaders signed a Millennium Declaration with the target of reaching eight specific health-related goals by 2015. -
Immunization of Adults Updates
Recommendations for immunization of adults have been updated. -
The Concept of Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia Is Not Accurate for Predicting Antibiotic Resistant Pathogens
A systematic review and meta-analysis found that the healthcare-associated pneumonia concept was based on low-quality evidence confounded by publication bias and does not accurately identify antibiotic resistant pathogens. -
Joint Commission: Intimidating and disrespectful" behavior poisoning patient safety culture in health care
How many infections occur because no one spoke up? -
Overcoming tribal culture wars to improve patient safety
Improving patient safety cultures in health care requires involvement and action at the local level by leaders committed to replacing a "tribal" mentality with a shared vision of a health care team, says Peter Pronovost, MD, PhD, director of the Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore.
Disrespectful behavior also occurs among nurses
A common perception is that a lot of the toxic culture in health care is directed by physicians toward nurses. Surprisingly, nurses appear to observe a hierarchy within their own ranks that may be just as mean spirited, says Elaine Larson, PhD, RN, FAAN, CIC, associate dean for research at the Columbia School of Nursing in New York.