The Black Women's Health Imperative in Washington, DC, has found that a two-pronged program that targets teen-age African American girls and their mothers or other family members has the potential for being a very successful, intergenerational HIV prevention approach.
By 2007, the prevalence of fluoroquinolone resistance among N. gonorrhoeae had become so widespread in the United States that the CDC recommended against use of drugs of that class in the treatment of gonorrhea.
Young black men who have sex with men (MSM) had a 48% increase in new HIV infections between 2006 and 2009, according to the latest data reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of Atlanta, GA.
A California-based company is looking at new condom designs, including a male non-rolled silicone condom, a female silicone condom, and a silicone condom designed specifically for receptive anal intercourse. All three designs of Origami condoms are in early research stages at Culver City, CA-based Strata Various Product Designs.
With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) new HIV prevention focus on scientifically proven, cost-effective, and scalable interventions targeted to the right populations, some experts worry black women will be left a low priority on the formula. And federal funding for small, hands-on prevention programs that work holistically with women of color might dry up entirely.
A total of 1,763 HIV-1 serodiscordant couples in nine countries with the infected partner having CD4+ counts of 350-500/mL were randomized 1:1 to early (immediate) vs. delayed (CD4+ had declined to ¡Ü 250/mL or after development of an AIDS-related illness) antiretroviral therapy of the infected partner.
In selected data analysis for 2007, most people with HIV infection who were receiving medical care were taking antiretroviral therapy and had some form of health insurance or coverage, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports.
The Joint Commission targets central lineassociated bloodstream infections in its 2011 national patient safety goals, with NPSG.07.04.01 calling for hospitals to "implement evidence-based practices to prevent (CLABSIs)."
Researchers continue to study the neurological processes impacting HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder (HAND), finding most recently that an inflammatory marker called osteopontin stimulates HIV replication and remains in the central nervous system despite antiretroviral therapy.