If you ever find yourself struggling with the ethical implications of permitting a patient to make a bad medical decision, maybe you should think semantics before you weigh ethics.
A prospective, multi-center randomized trial was performed to determine the feasibility of the semirecumbent position (goal, head of bed elevation [HOB] 45°) and its impact on the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP).
Partial Liquid Ventilation (PLV) with Perfluorocarbon (PFC) has been demonstrated in animal models of acute lung injury to recruit dependent lung regions (the so-called "liquid PEEP" effect), to redistribute blood flow to better ventilated regions, to thus improve gas exchange compared with conventional ventilation, and also to facilitate the clearance of retained secretions.
In 1976, piehl and brown showed, in a retrospective study, that the prone position improved oxygenation in 5 patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Can Plavix Add to the Efficacy of Aspirin?; Prevention of Hypertension?; Estrogen Alternatives; FDA Actions
FDA Recommends Approval of Muraglitazar, But May Need To Reconsider; Which Antipsychotics Are More Dangerous?; Should CPOE Undergo Evaluation?; New Treatment for Tennis Elbow; FDA Actions
Prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer in men, both in this country and in Europe. Due to the introduction of the prostate specific antigen blood test (PSA test), the ability to diagnose prostate cancer well before signs or symptoms of the disease develop has been realized. Following its introduction, the PSA was endorsed widely and recommended by many major public health organizations as a useful screening test.