The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued interim guidelines for use of antiviral medications during the 2004-2005 influenza season. The guidelines are summarized as follows.
While influenza antiviral medications comprise an important second line of defense during a troubled flu season, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is reluctant to promote the drugs as a solution to the vaccine shortage.
Infection control professionals are rolling out their severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) plans and steeling themselves for overwhelmed emergency departments (ED) after the nations leading ED clinicians warned that a perfect storm may be forming this influenza season.
ICPs be advised: Surveyors for the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations are asking health care workers whether they understand the new hand hygiene guidelines and are looking for signs of compliance.
The Consumers Union, publishers of Consumer Reports, is urging people to write their government representatives and demand open records on hospital infection rates.
In a battle that is expected to unfold in an increasing number of states, infection control professionals in Pennsylvania are facing a demand for public disclosure of infection rates.
Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV) was assessed in 105 patients with severe acute hypoxemic respiratory failure. The use of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) is effective to reduce intubation and mortality in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure.
No CT variables predicted severe in-hospital morbidity and mortality (death from pulmonary embolism, death from any cause, or cardiac arrest) in patients with PE. However, ventricular septal bowing and increased RV/LV diameter ratio were both strongly predictive of less severe morbidity, namely, subsequent ICU admission, and oligemia was associated with subsequent intubation and vasopressor use.