In a prospective analysis, healthy women known to be carriers of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations chose either bilateral mastectomy or active surveillance. Ascribing to careful methodological detail, the investigators found that those who chose surgery had lower risk for breast cancer occurrence and better survival. Nonetheless, the authors note that longer follow-up and a larger sample size are needed to confirm statistical significance of their observations.
Imatinib therapy was discontinued in 40 patients who had sustained undetectable BCR-ABL transcripts for 2 or more years, and close follow-up revealed approximately 50% remained with undetectable disease off treatment at 24 months.
Women undergoing pediatric cancer care are significantly more likely than their siblings to have clinical infertility (≥ 12 months of non-conception despite desired attempts) and total infertility (clinically infertile women who also reported ovarian failure defined as never initiating menstruation or no periods 5 years before baseline questionnaire).
In this Phase 2, single-arm, multicenter clinical trial conducted in the Netherlands, 50 patients with metastatic rectal cancer were treated with 5 days of 5 Gy RT followed by six cycles of intravenous bevacizumab (7.5 mg/kg) and oxaliplatin (130 mg/m2) on D1 and capecitabine (1000 mg/m2) orally on D1-D14.
More patients who received a preventive medicine intervention also had their physician receive the corresponding preventive intervention.
Uncomplicated cellulitis, defined as cellulitis without abscess, is most often caused by streptococci.
The ECG shown above was obtained from an acutely ill but alert and hemodynamically stable patient. How certain are you that the rhythm is ventricular tachycardia (VT)? Might there be another explanation if the patient in question was a young adult with renal disease and diabetes?