Critical Care Alert - Full January 2014 Issue in PDF
Burnout Syndrome Among Critical Care Professionals: A Cause for Alarm
While burnout occurs in any occupation, this paper will focus on ICU nurses and physicians. -
The Vexing Problems of Lung-Protective Ventilation: Asynchrony, Work of Breathing, and Sedation
This single-center, prospective, observational study examined the effects of clinician adjustments in ventilator settings or sedation/analgesic dosing on breath stacking (an inspiratory effort that causes the ventilator to deliver two consecutive breaths without an intervening expiratory phase). -
ICU Feeding Strategy and Acute Lung Injury Outcomes
Critical Care Alert - Full December 2013 Issue in PDF
Complications of Supplements and Herbal Medications
Polypharmacy is a huge problem in U.S. health care and is compounded by the increasing use of supplements and herbal medications. -
Primary Care Reports - Full December 2013 Issue in PDF
Chemotherapy-induced Amenorrhea in Patients with Breast Cancer
The frequency of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea was found to be greater than 90% in premenopausal breast cancer patients treated with standard adjuvant chemotherapy. -
Treatment of AML Based on Age
In a retrospective review of 2276 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treated on one of three consecutive Phase 3 studies using non-age based, standard intensive chemotherapy conducted by the Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group between 1995 and 2005, there was a significant decline in overall survival in patients aged ≥ 50 years when compared to those < 50 years. -
Pharmacology Watch: Evidence-based updates in clinical pharmacology
Medications for Risk Reduction of Breast Cancer in Women