Researchers from Sweden performed a meta-analysis of 9 randomized, controlled trials that looked at the effectiveness of atenolol on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with hypertension.
Influenza virus first was isolated from chickens suffering from fowl plague in 1901 a subtype we now call H7N7. In 1931, an influenza virus closely related to the virus that caused the Great Pandemic of 1918 was identified in swine. The first influenza B virus was isolated in 1940, and the first influenza C virus in 1947. The ability to isolate these viruses and grow them in embryonated eggs eventually led to the ability to develop and test influenza vaccines and antiviral medications, as well as to perform careful seasonal surveillance.
This cost-effectiveness analysis based on available published data suggests that the routine use of maximum sterile barriers for central venous line insertion would reduce the incidence of line-related infections and save both money and lives.
This prospective, randomized trial evaluated the role of early percutaneous tracheostomy in critically ill adults projected to require more than 14 days of mechanical ventilation. They found significant reductions in ICU length of stay, the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia, and mortality.
Colorectal cancer screening saves lives. This fact is clear and unequivocal. Yet it could be argued that no other preventive health measure raises as many questions or causes as much confusion for patients and for their doctors. The intent of this article is to cut through the confusion and misinformation surrounding colorectal cancer screening and to give primary care physicians the facts to help their patients make informed decisions and choose the test that’s right for them.