Several years ago, the PROWESS trial demonstrated a mortality benefit for drotrecogin alfa [activated] (DrotAA; APC) in patients with severe sepsis, and that this benefit was most pronounced in those at high risk of death (ie, APACHE score > 25 or multi-organ dysfunction).
The sample for this study comprised 15,846 patients admitted to 51 adult ICUs in 31 hospitals participating in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Nosocomial Infection Surveillance system.
The population of the United States is aging and by 2020, there will be 51 million Americans over the age of 65 years.
High-Dose Statin Therapy, Value for Older Adults; Simvastatin, Best for
Parkinson's Disease; Polyethylene Glycol for Chronic Constipation; FDA
Using data from 132 US veterans hospitals collected in the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program, Wu et al performed a retrospective cohort study of patients aged 65 or older who underwent major non-cardiac surgery between 1997 and 2004.
Burnout syndrome (BOS) is a condition in which professionals lose concern and emotional feeling for the people they work with, and come to treat them in a detached or even dehumanizing manner.
In this multicenter clinical trial from France, Francois and associates sought to determine whether methylprednisolone administered prior to extubation would prevent post-extubation laryngeal edema (PELE) and the need for re-intubation.
In this study, investigators at the University of Saskatchewan sought to determine whether current-technology cell phones and 2-way radios affected the function of the ventilator models in use in their province.