Health Care Utilization in the Aftermath of Severe Sepsis
SYNOPSIS: This observational cohort study of survivors of severe sepsis found that the post-discharge needs of this population are substantial. Severe sepsis survivors spent more days admitted to facilities after their acute hospitalization than prior and had greater mortality, a steeper decline in days at home, and a greater increase in proportion of days alive in a facility compared to survivors of non-sepsis hospitalizations.
Peri-procedural Management of New Oral Anticoagulants
Due to the short half-life and rapid onset of action of the new oral anticoagulants (NOACs), peri-procedural anticoagulant free time intervals should be shorter than with warfarin. Thus, there is uncertainty about the use of heparin bridging. These investigators from Germany analyzed the Dresden NOAC registry data to assess peri-procedural NOAC management and safety until 30 days post-procedure. -
Survival after Laparoscopy in Women with Endometrial Cancer
Eltabbakh retrospectively reviewed women presenting with clinical stage I endometrial cancer (according to the 1988 FIGO staging) at the University of Vermont. -
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care Supplement
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care Supplement
When to Order a Sleep Study and How to Read the Report: Part II
Understanding the information provided in a sleep study report and knowing how to use it is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. The combined information from the sleep history and the sleep report allows diagnosis of all sleep disorders. -
Pharmacology Watch: High-Dose Rofecoxib Confirmed Prothrombotic, Study Shows
Debate over the cardiovascular effects of COX-2 inhibitors has raged for more than a year since a special communication was published in JAMA last August suggesting an increase in cardiovascular events with rofecoxib (Vioxx). Now a large retrospect, the cohort study from the Tennessee Medicaid program seems to confirm the prothrombotic effects of rofecoxib, at least in high dose. -
Clinical Briefs in Primary Care Supplement
MRC/BHF Heart Protection Study of Antioxidant Vitamin Supplementation in 20,536 High-Risk Individuals; Prolonged Erections Produced by Dihydrocodeine & Sildenafil; Effect of Magnesium Supplementation of Blood Pressure; Homocysteine-Lowering Therapy with Folic Acid, Vitamins, and Clinical Outcome after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention; Effect of Cataract Surgery on Motor Vehicle Accidents in Older Adults; Inflammatory Biomarkers, Hormone Replacement Therapy, and Incident Coronary Heart Disease -
Full November 11, 2002, Issue in PDF
Discharge Time, Discharge TISS Scores, and Discharge Facility and Post-ICU Discharge Hospital Mortality
Intensive care is part of a continuum of progressive patient care, and a significant number of research groups are now focusing their attention on ways to improve the organization of the ICU and its place in the continuum of care. An important aspect of this process is the evaluation of ICU discharge policies and their consequences.