The Zen quality of the above quotation underscores that the new IP may find him or herself in midair a few times a day, leaping and hoping that net will form. For Christi Zumwalt, RN, an infection preventionist at Medical City Hospital in Dallas, it's the only way to fly.
Having been in infection prevention in one capacity or another since 1981, Denise Murphy, RN, MPH, CIC has seen the field affected by everything from the AIDS epidemic, the rise of drug-resistant pathogens, and the increasing influence of consumer advocates and lawmakers. She has seen it all and seen enough.
Trying to keep the genie in the bottle, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued new guidelines to halt the emergence of a highly drug-resistant, gram-negative pathogen that can cause a variety of infections with a strikingly high mortality rate.
Beyond the immediate threat to frail, hospitalized patients posed by emerging carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP) is a larger concern: its mechanism of resistance is transferable to other bacterial species.
Health care-associated infections cause direct medical costs as high as $45 billion annually in U.S. hospitals, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports in a new analysis.
While ICU clinicians understand that prognostic uncertainty is a normal part of critical care, it is unclear if surrogates hold similar views. In this study, Evans et al conducted semi-structured face-to-face interviews with 179 surrogates who had an adult patient in the ICU.
Editor's Note: The alpha2-receptor agonist dexmedetomidine (Precedex®), introduced for perioperative and procedural sedation and other short-term applications, is approved by the FDA for use in the ICU, although the package insert emphasizes that this approved use is for not more than 24 hours.
Patients with acute coronary syndrome present one of the most common admission diagnoses in the intensive care unit. For non-cardiology intensivists, the ever-evolving treatment algorithms present a challenging body of literature on which to remain current.