The proposed federal bill HR 3200 America's Affordable Health Choices Act includes a section requiring reporting of health care-associated infections (HAIs). Key provisions are summarized as follows:
The nuts and bolts of pandemic planning involve quantifiable items: Ventilators, respirators, antiviral medications, vaccine doses. But in the midst of drills and stockpiles and vaccine campaigns, don't forget about the psychosocial needs of your frontline employees.
With a vaccine shortage projected for novel H1N1 influenza A, only the highest priority groups are likely to be offered the shot when initial lots are cleared for distribution this fall.
Harbrecht and colleagues at the University of Pittsburgh studied the effects of a targeted protocol for respiratory assessment and management in patients admitted to the hospital's neurosurgery step-down, trauma/surgery step-down, and trauma/surgery general units.
Elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) occurs as a complication of neurosurgical emergencies including traumatic brain injury (TBI) and intracranial hemorrhage or due to medical illnesses, such as meningitis or fulminant hepatic failure.
In this issue: Tamoxifen and CYP2D6 inhibitors, FDA Actions, and FDA Warnings.
For many years, infection-control experts have focused on improving the hand hygiene habits of health care providers.
The NICO monitor (Respironics, Inc.) uses co2 production, estimated from changes in exhaled CO2 during a brief period of rebreathing, to determine cardiac output via the Fick relationship.