Healthcare Risk Management
Report Overpayments to CMS Carefully to Avoid More Trouble
CMS expects hospitals and healthcare systems to report overpayments within 60 days of discovery to avoid false claims allegations, but knowing when and how to report is not always easy.
Freestanding EDs Growing in Popularity
Hospitals are opening freestanding EDs (FSEDs) at a rapid rate and mostly in states that allow them without meeting “determination of need” requirements.
Freestanding EDs Can Have Special Compliance, Liability Concerns
As hospitals increasingly look to freestanding EDs as a way to serve patients better while potentially increasing profits, legal and compliance experts caution risk managers that they may bring risks beyond the familiar concerns of a hospital-based ED.
Doctor’s Failure to Diagnose Results in $7.7 Million Wrongful Death Verdict
A 50-year-old patient died after physicians failed to diagnose a pulmonary embolism.
Couple Awarded $6.8 Million for Avoidable Loss of Vision
A 50-year-old patient experienced avoidable, permanent vision loss following open-heart surgery.
$145 Million Settlement Largest Ever for Skilled Nursing
A rehabilitation provider in has agreed to pay $145 million to settle False Claims Act allegations that it defrauded the government by submitting claims for rehab services that were not necessary and, in some cases, not provided by skilled caregivers.
Culture Most Important in Preventing Falls with Elderly
The organization’s culture is the factor most determining the liability risk of a facility or community serving the elderly, according to a recent report from CNA Financial Corporation.
Tell Staff How Safety Reports Made a Difference
Hospital staff will report safety concerns more when they are informed of how their previous reports helped improve patient safety, according to a recent report from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Speech Recognition Errors Can Make EHRs Unreliable
Be aware that speech recognition software can introduce errors to the medical record. Errors can threaten patient safety and increase liability.
Are You Really Getting the Premium You Deserve?
If you are too modest about your patient safety efforts, you may not be getting the best premiums for your medical malpractice insurance.