Healthcare Risk Management
American Hospital Association Calls for Reducing Regulatory Burden on Hospitals
The American Hospital Association calls on Congress to reduce the regulatory burden on hospitals and health systems, calling the burden “substantial and unsustainable.”
Nurses Suspended for Viewing Patient’s Genitals
Denver Health Medical Center suspended five nurses for three weeks after confirming they intentionally viewed a patient’s genitals without cause, including opening his body bag to view the deceased man’s body parts.
Copy-and-Paste Brings Compliance Risks
Physicians can create compliance risks by overusing copy-and-paste in electronic medical records. The records can result in upcoding and the loss of reimbursement.
Hospital Loses Tax-exempt Status Over 501(r)
The IRS has revoked the tax-exempt status of a hospital for noncompliance with section 501(r) of the Internal Revenue Code, following the lead of state tax courts that have been increasingly harsh when scrutinizing tax-exempt hospitals.
Family Sues Nurse and Hospital After Newborn Death
An Oregon woman is suing Portland Adventist Medical Center and an individual nurse after her four-day-old son died. Monica Thompson is seeking $3.5 million from the nurse and $5.1 million from the hospital.
Smothered Newborn Shows Patient Safety, Liability Risks
A tragic newborn death illustrates the patient safety risks posed by simply leaving an infant to sleep in the arms of its mother, risks that are increasing with the emphasis on more physical contact between the mother and child.
Per-record Cost of Data Breaches Increasing
The cost of healthcare data breaches continue to remain the highest out of any industry, with an average cost of $380 per record, according to a recent report from the Ponemon Institute.
New Breach Reporting Tool Helps With HIPAA Response
A new breach reporting tool should be useful for HIPAA compliance, partly because it can help providers stay on top of what is currently trending in cyberattacks and other types of breaches.
Myriad State Requirements Complicate Breach Response
When you realize there has been a breach of protected health information, your first thought is of HIPAA and how to satisfy federal requirements for responding. But that is far from the end of your obligation, as state requirements can be just as onerous.
Medical Malpractice Case Disguised as Fraud Dismissed
News: In 2011, a woman presented to a Missouri medical clinic for treatment relating to her inflamed gallbladder. During a diagnostic scan, the patient was injected with substances that ultimately caused her tremendous discomfort and psychological trauma. She filed suit against the medical clinic, claiming that alleged representations made by unidentified medical professionals amounted to fraud. The trial court granted the defendant’s motion to dismiss, finding the patient to have filed the petition untimely.