Healthcare Risk Management
Physician Defeats Liability for Prescribing Without In-person Consultation
The physician warned the patient not to drink alcohol while taking the painkiller.
CAPTURE Focuses on Coordination, Gait Support
CAPTURE Falls includes the idea that there are eight “rights” of fall risk reduction.
Staff Workarounds Pose Medication Error Risk
Patient safety is compromised when healthcare workers use workarounds to speed things up when they are busy, or to overcome roadblocks that make it difficult or impossible for them to follow proper procedures in the medication process.
CMS May Address Regulatory Burdens of Stark
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said it wants to make the physician self-referral law, the Stark Law, less of a burden for healthcare organizations.
‘Dry Run’ for Radiology Improves Patient Safety
Conducting a simulated radiography procedure with a patient helps reduce errors and relieves anxiety. The simulation also can encourage staff to report errors and process problems.
Future of Risk Management Demands Broad Approach
Risk managers will fare best in the future by maintaining skills in a broad range of topics. New risks will emerge as the healthcare industry evolves.
Hospital Faces Class-action Lawsuit After Hepatitis C Outbreak
A hospital in Washington state is responding to litigation involving exposure to hepatitis C from a nurse. The hospital notified 2,600 patients of a possible exposure.
Study Finds 66% of Surgeries Lack Consent
Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore found that consent forms were missing for 66% of surgical patients, causing one-tenth of procedures to be delayed.
HFAP Finds Incomplete Consent Forms in Surveys
Consent forms missing one or more elements are a common problem found by surveyors with the Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program.
Consent Process Often Executed Poorly, Creating Risks and Costs
Obtaining patient consent is such a fundamental part of healthcare risk management that it would be easy to assume it is done consistently and properly in most cases, but that is a dangerous assumption.