In the March 25 Federal Register, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services published procedures for nonprivacy administrative simplification complaints under HIPAA, along with a description of the procedures the Department of Health and Human Services will follow in reviewing such complaints.
Many small physician practices had gaps in three key areas as they attempted to meet the April 20 deadline for HIPAA security standards, according to Dallas-based MedSynergies.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has published the third in a series of seven papers designed to provide guidance on the HIPAA security standards.
As daily workplace demands rise, overtaxed leaders often target other decision makers the CEO, a head nurse, technician, or doctor as the source, says a psychologist who is a conflict resolution consultant and president of TheraRising.com in Minnesota.
Arguments, nasty comments, and demeaning behavior what health care professional cant tell stories of how some co-worker or colleague made life miserable for people just trying to do their jobs? Disruptive behavior is all too common in health care, but now experts are warning that the harmful effects fall on more than just the health care professionals.
Risk managers must act on disruptive behavior, says the vice president and medical director at VHA in Irving, TX.
Twenty patients died in Minnesota hospitals over 15 months from medical errors or oversights, according to a new report released recently by the state health department.
Question: What is our obligation under EMTALA when a patient leaves the emergency department after screening but before treatment is complete?
Thomson American Health Consultants has developed an influenza sourcebook to ensure you and your hospital are prepared for what could happen this flu season or the next.