Good intentions can backfire when it comes to preparing for RAC audits, cautions Rebekah Plowman, JD, an attorney specializing in health care litigation with the law firm of Epstein Becker in Atlanta.
Tube-feeding misconnections fall into the category of medical errors that are so obviously wrong that clinicians think they could never make such a mistake. But feeding tube errors do happen, and they sometimes bring grave consequences.
What happens when a hospital patient's physician goes off duty and another physician assumes responsibility for the patient? Or when care is transferred to the next nursing shift? How about when a patient is transferred from intensive care to another unit?
A woman underwent an excisional biopsy on her left breast. The physician who performed the surgery diagnosed cancer and began chemotherapy. Later, other physicians evaluated the woman and recommended a mastectomy and removal of lymph nodes in the woman's breast. After the mastectomy, no evidence of cancer was found.
Are you ready for a "RAC attack?" It's coming for you eventually, and you need to prepare now to minimize the damage.
South Nassau Communities Hospital in Oceanside, NY, is reporting success with an aggressive approach to falls prevention.
A 30-year-old man presented to an ED with complaints of fever, joint pain, a severe headache, and shaking chills. The ED physician further determined that the man was suffering from a rapid heart rate and some paresthesia. The man did not undergo any further testing and was sent home with instructions to take acetaminophen and drink fluids.
In addition to the other ways that the country's economic downturn is affecting health care providers, emergency departments (EDs) are now seeing an increase in the number of patients leaving the ED early, because they do not want to be hit with a big medical bill when they are without health insurance and possibly without a job.
Health and Hospital Corp., the parent company of Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, NY, has settled a lawsuit filed by the family of a woman who died on a waiting room floor - but went unnoticed for more than an hour.
Risk managers may participate in the management of a facility building or remodeling project by overseeing the myriad hazards and liabilities that can crop up along the way, but you may be missing a great opportunity to advance your own concerns if you don't immerse yourself in the earliest stages of the design process.