Most aggressive behavior in a health care setting can be controlled before it turns violent if you know the right strategies to use.
Risk managers should encourage health care staff to think of a six-step aggression continuum, suggests Steve Wilder, CHSP, EMT-P, a security consultant with Sorenson, Wilder & Associates in Bradley, IL
A pregnant woman in labor was admitted to the hospital. In agony due to the large size of the baby, the patient asked for epidural anesthesia.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) says a state Medicaid agency and Medicare Advantage plan may share protected health information to identify dually eligible enrollees.
The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) West Coast Office has told the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) it is concerned about an issue in direct-to-consumer (DTC) medical marketing ...
This description of the Condition H system comes from Tamra Merryman, RN, MSN, FACHE, vice president of the Center for Quality Improvement and Innovation for the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Health System.
Adopting a just culture instead of a nonpunitive or blame-free culture means you have to be ready to discipline employees for some behavior that can threaten patient safety, but how do you know when punishment is appropriate?
Under a just culture, employee misbehavior can be categorized in these three general ways.
When educating front line staff members, it is best to use a combination of methods, says Denise C. Myers, RN, MS, CNAA, CPHRM, director of risk management at Monongalia Health System in Morgantown, WV.
An obstetrician encountered difficulty in delivering a baby because the baby's shoulders had become stuck.