Veterans with Gulf War illness had a statistically significant increase of autonomic symptoms, heart rate variability, and abnormalities in sudomotor function, as measured by the Quantitative Sudomotor Axon Reflex Test, compared to control subjects. The study found objective autonomic deficits in veterans with the Gulf War syndrome with autonomic syndrome.
Exercise, both aerobic as well as stretching and strengthening, improves motor function and gait in patients with Parkinsons disease.
Regional cerebral blood flow defines distinct patterns of disrupted metabolism in psychogenic vs organic dystonia, with decreased flow in motor and premotor cortex in psychogenic dystonia, but increased flow in subcortical structures.
Poor sleep quality may predict future Alzheimers disease and may play a pathogenic role in its etiology.
This randomized, controlled trial compared outcomes in patients with Parkinsons disease who received follow-up neurologic care from home via a web-based teleconferencing system vs in-person visits in a neurology clinic. Results support the potential use of telemedicine in the treatment of Parkinsons disease.
Subcutaneous immunoglobulin appears to be an effective treatment alternative to intravenous immunoglobulin for patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.
In this newly described myasthenia syndrome, an autoantibody against a novel receptor protein is described and clinical features elucidated.
Location-specific functional MRI activity can distinguish between increasing intensity of thermal pain and can discriminate thermal pain from the pain of romantic rejection.