Most physicians are aware that Roche withheld the distribution and sales of Tamiflu several weeks ago in order to prevent indiscriminate stock piling of drug badly needed for patients with Influenza A and B this coming winter.
Treatments for Acute Migraine; Statin Therapy for ACS Patients; The Correct Dosing for Onychomycosis; FDA Actions
Oxman and colleagues randomized 38,546 subjects greater than 60 years of age (median age, 69 years) to receive either 0.5 mL of attenuated Oka/Merck VZV vaccine or placebo, after which they were followed for a mean duration of 3.13 years, during which they were contacted monthly.
The purpose of this meta-analysis was to assess the efficacy of subglottic secretion drainage in preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Dezfulian and colleagues performed a comprehensive analysis of randomized trials that have compared subglottic secretion drainage with a standard endotracheal tube care in mechanically ventilated patients.
We are now over 10 years into the era of haart (highly active antiretroviral therapy). The use of potent HIV protease inhibitors (or non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors), generally used in combination with a background of 2 nucleoside/nucleotide analog reverse transcriptase inhibitors, almost overnight changed the natural history of HIV disease.
Treatment of chronic Hepatitis B is directed at suppressing viral replication, reducing hepatitis (necroinflammatory) activity, slowing progression of fibrotic disease, and rendering patients noninfectious.
Varying levels of the antibiotic tetracycline found in Nubian bones from around the 4th century prompted a lengthy search for the source. Researchers at Emory University in Atlanta discovered that the answer may lie in ancient Nubian beer.
Erectile Dysfunction and Visual Disturbance; Mixed News on Statins; FDA Actions
The chances that a surgical patient in a U.S. hospital will receive appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis with drugs both administered and discontinued in a timely fashion remains essentially a flip of the coin.