A longitudinal study of hospitalized WNV patients in Houston was initiated in 2002. A total of 112 patients remain in the cohort.
Nearly half of the world's population live in malaria-endemic geographic regions, and more than one million African children die of malaria each year. Vaccine development continues.
Eleven heroin users in Northern England and Scotland, as well as a possible twelfth, have been diagnosed with anthrax infection; five have died.
n this issue: Results from a Phase 3 study of dabigatran, intensive lipid-lowering in CVD, H1N1 vaccine dosing and efficacy, and FDA Actions.
Four adults with either probable or definite yellow fever (YF) vaccine-associated meningitis or meningoencephalitis were hospitalized, yielding an incidence of 9.9/100,000 vaccine doses (95% CI = 2.7-25.4/100,000).
Kreider and Cohen studied more than 13,000 internationally adopted children ages 5 to 15 and more than 155,000 domestically adopted children ages 5 to 15; they then extrapolated findings from this sample to the entire U.S. population.
At the recent 58th Annual Meeting of American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene held in Washington D.C., Dr. Patricia Conrad of the University of CaliforniaDavis School of Veterinary Medicine provided an excellent presentation during the Scientific Session on Protozoa entitled Tracking Toxoplasma gondii from Land to Sea.
Data early on in the pandemic influenza outbreak suggested that most severely ill patients with Influenza A were not suffering from bacterial co-infection.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has completed a massive update and revision of its 1981 guidelines to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CA-UTIs).