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  • Gaps in hospice accessibility

    More than a third of Americans now die under the care of a hospice service. But a University of Michigan study reveals major gaps in the availability of hospice care across the country gaps that the researchers attribute directly to the way hospice care is currently funded in America.
  • Free webinar for volunteer coordinators

    The Hospice Foundation of America has developed "Hospice Volunteers: Recruiting, Retaining, Rewarding," a free on-line webinar that examines the important role that volunteers play in hospice, and explores creative ways that hospices can recruit and retain volunteers.
  • I Can't Get No Salivation

    Elders who ate sorbet before a meal ate more of the rest of their meal.
  • Education improves care planning

    Cost and time constraints limit the amount of advanced care planning that a primary care physician can provide to patients, but when patients received educational information prior to meeting with their doctors, the number of advanced medical directives completed increases by more than 17%.
  • Palliative care cuts hospitalization costs

    A study published recently in Health Affairs shows that hospitalization costs for patients with certain terminal or serious chronic illnesses are significantly lower when palliative care is provided. In fact, the study of four hospitals in New York State showed an average cost of admission that was $6,900 lower for these patients.
  • Paid caregivers lack skills for tasks in homes

    Paid caregivers make it possible for seniors to remain living in their homes. The problem, according to a new Northwestern Medicine study, is that more than one-third of caregivers had difficulty reading and understanding health-related information and directions. Sixty percent made errors when sorting medications into pillboxes.
  • Robotic seal connects with dementia patients

    What do robots and iPads have in common? Both are tools used successfully by hospices to improve communications with patients who have dementia.
  • NHPCO Position Statement on Ethical Marketing Practices

    A position statement and commentary, Hospice and Palliative Care: Ethical Marketing Practices, was recently released by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO).
  • Free implementation toolkit available

    A new publication to help with the implementation of Concurrent Care for Children Requirement (CCCR) is available at no cost on the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) web site.
  • Disaster relief: Helping hospices recover

    As people throughout the nation struggle to recover from tornadoes, floods, and other weather-related emergencies, the National Hospice Foundation (NHF) is making funds available to support state organizations as they respond to recovery efforts of providers at the local level.