Zolpidem and risk of falls; AVR and anticoagulation; statins in cancer patients; and FDA actions.
Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) refers to the utilization of radiotracers to image regional myocardial perfusion from coronary artery blood flow to the heart muscle. Used effectively, MPI can provide the clinician with a noninvasive technique that yields both important diagnostic and powerful prognostic information regarding the functional significance of anatomic coronary artery disease. MPI can help guide therapeutic decision-making by stratifying patients with respect to future risk for adverse outcomes.
Although widespread screening mammography has greatly increased the diagnosis of early breast cancer, it has had only a marginal effect on the diagnosis of late-stage tumors and breast cancer mortality.
The authors concluded that compared to beta-blockers, the risk of angioedema is highest with ACEIs or aliskiren and lowest with ARBs.
The first inhibitor of the microsomal triglyceride transport protein (MTP) has been approved for the treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH).
During family discussions, physicians who believe more strongly that life support should be withdrawn are more likely to present the option of comfort care and describe its benefits.
CKD: Consistency of GFR and Albuminuria as Risk Predictors; Changing Outcomes for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C; Is Fructose a Primary Culprit in Obesity?
Insomnia is a common complaint among adults and it is well recognized that mental performance can be impaired by poor sleep. Both difficulty falling asleep and trouble staying asleep have been associated with poor cognitive function in cross-sectional elderly cohorts.
Our Newest Pharmacologic Class for Treatment of Diabetes: SGLT2 Inhibitors