Application of the ABCD2 score to identify cerebrovascular causes of dizziness in the emergency department.
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force updated its systematic review of menopausal hormone therapy. The findings, heavily influenced by the Womens Health Initiative results, do not support the use of hormone replacement therapy to prevent chronic conditions.
Hand hygiene was more likely to be performed when the first person entering the room or the attending physician (regardless of order) performed hand hygiene.
A NEW LONG-ACTING INHALED MUSCARINIC ANTAGONIST (LAMA) has been approved for treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
A retrospective analysis of a large HMO population in Israel showed that persistent use of a statin medication over the 8-year period of analysis lowered the risk of cancer, particularly hematopoietic cancers by 31%.
Within a few years after the initiation of diagnostic X-rays, toxic effects were noted, including increased risk for skin cancer, leukemia, dermatitis, and cataracts. In this early period, doses of X-ray, especially from fluoroscopy, were high. Protective devices for patients as well as persons occupationally exposed to diagnostic radiation demonstrably reduced such adverse consequences.
In a prospective study of nearly 5000 postmenopausal women, it was determined that it would take 16.8 years to develop osteoporosis in 10% of women with normal bone mineral density. The authors conclude that repeat screening in women without new risk factors can be delayed for at least 15 years.
The authors concluded that systematically obtaining family history identifies more subjects with high CV risk who may benefit from more aggressive preventive interventions.
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a significant risk of cardiovascular disease and reduced survival. Vitamin D supplementation improved survival, especially in patients with documented deficiency.