As part of its efforts to facilitate post-acute care for unfunded patients who no longer meet inpatient criteria, Sentara Healthcare has developed an Indigent Care Agreement for Post Acute Services that sets out four levels of bundled payments to the health system's seven skilled nursing facilities when patients who can't pay are transferred.
As a Level 1 trauma center, Lutheran Medical Center treats a lot of patients who come in unconscious, appear to be homeless, or are confused as to their identify.
As part of Cigna's Collaborative Accountable Care initiative, physician practices hire care coordinators who work with patients on following their treatment plan and link them to Cigna resources when needed.
At Passport Health Plan, one team of case managers helps patients with short-term needs such as transportation assistance, the health plan's complex case managers provide long-term care coordination, and case managers embedded in clinics meet members face to face.
The current emphasis on care coordination and improved transitions means new opportunities for case managers.
Taconic Professional Resources embeds case managers in 74 practices in the Capital District-Hudson Valley area in New York as part of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative.
While new regulatory mandates and payer requirements are making case management essential, case managers are still not getting the recognition they deserve in the form of increased compensation.
In the brave new world of healthcare, what goes right and wrong in patient care can't be blamed on someone else along the continuum of care.
The pharmacy at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NY, fills about 75% of the prescriptions that patients are given at discharge.